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Paraga Beach, Mykonos, Greece

“La paix de l’âme consiste dans le mépris de tout ce qui peut la troubler”.

“The peace of the soul consists in the contempt of all that can disturb it”. 

“La paz del alma reside en el desdén de todo lo que pueda perturbarla”.

Emile, ou De l’éducation (1762). Jean-Jacques Rousseau

A Few Words of Wisdom

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Confucius Statue, Confucius Plaza, Chinatown, Manhattan, NY, USA

~Statue of Confucius by Liu Shih.~

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(Back of the statue).

By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.

 Nous pouvons apprendre la sagesse de trois façons différentes: d’abord par réflexion, qui est la plus noble de ces méthodes; ensuite par imitation, qui est la plus facile; et finalement par expérience, qui est la plus amère.

Por tres métodos podemos aprender la sabiduría: primero por la reflexión, que es la más noble; segundo, por imitación, que es la más sencilla; y tercero, por experiencia, que es la más amarga.

Confucius (551 – 479 BC)

New Zealand Christmas Tree

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Pōhutukawa Tree, Paraparaumu, North Island, New Zealand

The pōhutukawa tree (Metrosideros excelsa) with its crimson flower has become an established part of the New Zealand Christmas tradition. This iconic Kiwi Christmas tree, which often features on greeting cards and in poems and songs, has become an important symbol for New Zealanders at home and abroad. *